my arabic lover

Published on by Tigris river


My Arabic love(r)


With passion, jealousy and faith

You let me know the meaning of attachment

Thou my young man of desert and sun.


He was my Aladdin and his magic light

And he let me understand that passion exists

Inside ourselves even if it is deeply hidden.


In the desert where the sky is always blue

Riding a mild camel under the white clouds

In the sand, the Tree of Life soars alive.


The time passed and after years

The flame of passion, love and commitment

Is still there comes set up as a shining firework.


As the “Phoenix” coming to life

Again and always, the whispers of the fire

In the hearth, decreases for better flares up.


Firing lovers still are in Beirut or elsewhere  

In the deep of their open hearts

Twin souls get drunk by constancy of love.

I lay my soul on your heart for ever.

Happy anniversary Rohi

With all my love and faith







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